Military Intelligence
Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic

Military Intelligence Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Its Establishment

Military Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic commemorates 30th anniversary of its establishment throughout the whole year of 2004. On this occasion on the 26th September 2024 ceremonial assembly of members of the Military Intelligence was held. The ceremony was attended in person by the Minister of Defence, the authorized chairperson of the Slovak National Council, the chairperson of the Special Supervisory Committee of the Slovak National Council authorized to oversight of military intelligence activities and by other members, as well as by other significant constitutional officials, representatives and officials of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic and other security forces of the Slovak Republic. The ceremonial assembly was attended by respectable foreign guests among which there was Galen J. NACE – director of NATO Office of Security, Col. Mariusz NOGAJ – director of NATO CICOE and Defence Attachés accredited in the Slovak Republic. The attendance of the honored internal guests as well as the notable guests from partner countries and NATO was a clear sign that the Military Intelligence is a valuable, reliable and significant intelligence organization not only within regional, but also international environment.

In the modern history the day, when Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 198/1994 Coll. on Military Intelligence was passed, is considered as the official date when Military Intelligence was established. The act was a milestone and from that moment newly formed Slovakia started to write its modern history of the Military Intelligence. The act stipulated the scope of further development of military intelligence community, as well as it determined roles, defined forms and methods of work, which are necessary for the Military Intelligence in order to reach its goals which were specified at that time. Later on, in the context of constantly developing security environment and new challenges, the act undergone changes and amendments. The most significant amendment happened in 2012 when it came into force on the 1th January 2013 (merge of Military Defence Intelligence and Military Intelligence Service into one unified organization under the title Military Intelligence). In order to respond to the changes in modern domestic and global security environment The Slovak National Council passed a new act on the 1th February 2022 – Act No. 500/2022 Coll. on the Military Intelligence.